In this increasingly competitive society, we have come across many children struggling with self-esteem issues, time management difficulties, social problems, and family issues. They are unmotivated with no direction or goals in life, and do not know how to start or move forward. As a result, many of them live day by day with no aspirations for the future. Sounds familiar? This is very frequently experienced by adults as well!
Many children may also be unwilling to share their problems with adults in general, such as their parents or school counsellor. Many teenagers are confused and often conflicted between their wants and responsibilities; they have a ton on their plates but no clue about how to plan their time to achieve their goals; they do not know how to balance their friendships, and are sometimes confused about how to respond to the pressure that their friends sometimes put on them.
What are the benefits?
1 / Improved Self-awareness
Allows for better understanding of your child's own wants and needs, and the ability to clearly communicate them to others
2 / Improved Self-efficacy
Allows for belief in your child's own capacity to execute the behaviours necessary to produce specific performance attainments
3 / Achievement of academic & non-academic goals
Allows for your child to perform task-specific behaviours to achieve their goals
4 / Better relationships with parents & peers
Improved communication skills allow for a child to practise empathy and consideration for parents and peers
5 / Improved psychological well-being
As a child gains improved self-awareness and self-efficacy, they can better perform behaviours that are beneficial to themselves and others, resulting in an overall improved psychological well-being