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Training & Consultancy

We're on a mission to help parents and teachers.


Children benefit tremendously from a non-judgmental, understanding and accepting environmen. Studies have repeatedly shown that good relationships with their parents and teachers play a huge role in the child's positive growth and emotional development.


We provide and train you to use proven and effective techniques for creating and nurturing your child's personal and emotional development, based on decades of time-tested techniques and practices.


  • Parent Training

  • Teacher Training

  • Organisations



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Our Training Pedagogy

Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) Framework is selected as our teaching pedagogy as it is an extremely comprehensive framework that consolidates and visualises three domains fundamental knowledge that facilitators must know for successful integration—Content, Pedagogical and Technological Knowledge (CK, PK, TK). With these domains of knowledge, facilitators can break down the lesson plan into the necessary content, plan how to teach it (pedagogy) and identify the specific technology tools to bring about smooth and effective lesson delivery.

Next, the TPACK also incorporates a combination of the aforementioned types of knowledge (CK, PK, TK) to pair them into technological-pedagogical knowledge (TCK), Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) and Technological Pedagogical Knowledge (TPK). TCK, PCK and TPK are useful in in the following ways – TCK allows facilitators to develop an in-depth understanding of the constraints and affordances of technology platforms and the disciplinary contexts within which they function; PCK highlights the significance of combining both teaching and content knowledge to enable effective and clear teaching; TPK brings forth an understanding of how teaching and learning changes when technologies are used in specific ways.

Finally, through the consideration of CK, PK, TK, CPK, TCK and TPK, TPACK brings about the implementation of good content knowledge, effective teaching strategies, and optimal usage of technology which increase the learners’ motivation and behaviours,  creating a conducive learning environment that encourages, active engagement in learning, positive social interaction and self-motivation in learning. In summary, TPACK enables learning for learners to be more efficient, effective, and engaging.

Happy Mother's Day
Parent Training

Our children benefit tremendously from a non-judgmental, understanding and accepting environment, and studies have repeatedly shown that good parent-child relationships play a huge role in the child's positive growth and emotional development. Parents play an essential role in facilitating their child's attitudes, behaviours, and beliefs. At the same time, parenting has never been more challenging, and many parents are "flying blind" by doing what they think, or feel is right and hoping for the best.

But what if you have access to clearly laid out, proven and effective techniques for creating and nurturing your child's personal and emotional development, based on decades of time-tested psychology and counselling techniques and practices? Better understanding of your child can help you as parents meet their needs effectively.


We will help you as parents learn and apply essential skills and techniques to better communicate, nurture and grow with your child.


These skills include:

  • Developing age-appropriate expectations of your child

  • Enhancing knowledge on child development

  • Assessing your parent-child relationship

  • Helping your child feel secure in this world

  • Engaging positively with your child

  • Strengthening the parent-child relationship

  • Improve your children’s socioemotional well-being

  • Foster essential socioemotional skills

  • Teach children about their emotions

  • Help children to communicate their emotions  

  • Create a home environment where children can develop a sense of belonging

  • Understand the purpose of your child's challenging behaviours

  • Identify triggers that give rise to challenging behaviours

  • Implement various antecedent-based strategies to reduce the onset challenging behaviours

  • Managing your child’s challenging behaviours with positive consequences and discipline

  • Planning ahead for better behaviours

Image by Kimberly Farmer
Teacher and Student
Teacher Training

Providing education and advice (psychoeducation) to teachers is a critical initial step to the effective management of children with  varying abilities in the classroom. Psychoeducation for teachers may support these children by helping to foster a therapeutic relationship between the teacher and the student. It engages and empowers teachers by educating them about exceptionalities, disorders and disabilities, their causes, core symptoms, and evidence-based interventions. With the knowledge of the disorders and their treatments, teachers may further serve as a bidirectional source of information on that helps educate parents on their children’s condition, as well as improve their management and relationship with their children.



Our training and workshops enable teachers in the domains of:



Positive Behaviour Support

  • Describe different methods of managing behaviour

  • Define approaches to supporting the inclusion of children and managing their challenging behaviour

  • Apply appropriate principles and strategies for different profiles of behavioural needs

  • Create an appropriate intervention plan for pupils with behavioural needs

  • Conduct functional behaviour assessment

  • Adapt classroom management strategies to engage children and suit their needs


Early Intervention

  • Identify children with special needs and the major causes of their exceptionalities

  • Identify assistive tools in interventions

  • Monitor children’s progress to achieve functional outcomes

  • Discuss information of children’s learning with stakeholders


Parent Teacher Partnerships

  • Apply appropriate strategies to communicate with families

  • Identify attitudes of teachers that help build foundations of a successful partnership and facilitate informed choice and decision-making by families

  • Build rapport with families to facilitate home-centre collaboration

  • Promote positive learning outcomes for children through family involvement and engagements

  • Assess effectiveness of communication and engagement methods

  • Educate families or caregivers on children development and factors that impact development

  • Coach families and caregivers to support the learning and development of children



Teacher Professional Collaboration

  • Apply appropriate strategies to communicate with professionals

  • Integrating professional inputs from different disciplines into teaching and managing children



We also provide training in the areas of child development, developmental psychology, educational psychology and transition management

Business Meeting

For Organisations

At Bearie Learning Space, we provide training to suit the needs of your organisation, whether in early intervention, special education or mainstream educational environments. If you would like more information on our training and consultancy services, please contact us:

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